Cultivated species to test 48 varieties. The data in each stage by stage, seedling stage is divided into tillering stage fully expanded subway harvest during the harvesting of different characteristic with the break up of rice each species. In a group of black rice, significant differences, such as the appearance of the leaves with different some พันธุ์ใน are purple, green, purple edge. The characteristics of early and got different. Is the height of plants with different color of the prevention of some varieties have different colors, black rice is both dark purple. Some varieties are green. The characteristics of different kernels in black rice, some varieties seed Fort fat. Some varieties are oval plant height With a height of the radically different clump. Tillering stage flowering is not ready. There is a difference of some seed seed seed seed oval fort, etc. in the rice processing group brought a metal spraying are different in age of harvest. Such as rice varieties she boonma rice middle rice Yuan Yi rice tail tail Yi (traditional) to last harvest only 3 months. Seed harvest late rice varieties in rice of rice two cute water pen, rice. Rice convenience (Lowland).
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