Dover Demon
he called evil Dover (Dover Demon) ?because it is found that the city of Dover, the largest in the secondary 2 Moab, from Boston, Massachusetts state aide? in United States, but had met only once, in the year B.E. 2520 or in 1977 ?Find first April 22 , 1977
บิลส์ ทเล็ทท์ bar,Mike, after her fiddle, and Andy, the Wait for teenagers about a 17 year old driving a car to the north of the farm women, while driving, which is a bar ทเล็ทท์ driver saw what was a strange thing, to shrubbery along the wall at the left side of the road?The first time he saw bar ทเล็ทท์ thought that it may be a dog or cat, it was not until the car headlights. movie fall to draft mystery. What they had seen was? What he had never seen before in my life
?a bill, it's Gently turn his head slowly and stared at it, and the light of the car two eyes glittered like a glass of it, like marble, 2 orange ball?It is located on the head of a little like watermelon and then looked at the wrong, i.e. arms and legs and Long, lean, but the slender hands and feet skin is not large and there is a hair color and coarse like peaches?sand paper?a bill, it's not more than 4 feet is similar baby in his arms and legs are long and it is very strange hideous? It's not walking distance to know it was intended as a length of the wall, use your fingers to climb it as a stone?
Bar ทเล็ทท์ saw him, Is not only a few seconds, because while he was driving at a high speed and is in the bend and when you return to the scene of the mysterious figure was gone, and when they came back he told me about the bar ทเล็ทท์And yet ....Until now, no one knows that this devil Dover, where she came from, and how I should have a purpose?It remains a mystery that told them to local, but some people believe that he is the only thing to break, because there was no evidence to confirm that any children this group met and there was no report to find or appear,
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