Since the beginning, when nationals of Babylonia began invented the calendar. Based on the moon. When the full 12 months, 1-year-old is determined to achieve a fit between the calendar year by counting on a year-on-year, according to the season, so add 1 month to month 13 month. every 4 years later, the people of Egypt, Greek and Semitic people boutique hotel has introduced a calendar of Babylonia and modification until the reign of King Yue select.Yot Caesar brought the idea of the famous British astronomer Johan Egypt SIM Yes NIS came one year to 365 days every 4 years is 29 days in February is known as athiksunthin in March 2009 in Equinox day 2125 back to occur on March 11 instead of the March 21. Pope krekori at 13 and has been revised to October 15, a new calendar called Calendar January 1 as a aria noprakat Gregory used the beginning of the year.
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