the ministerial facilities in building
for handicapped or disabled and the elderly.
----------------------- 2005
the specialized in Section 5 (3) of the building control act.๒๕๒๒ and section 8 (1), (4), (5), (6) and (7) (8) and (9) of the building control act 2522 which modified further by building control act. (No. 3).In August 2000, the act with certain provisions about the restriction of the rights and freedom of individuals which section 29 together with section 31 Section 3 5, section 4 8, section alike and section area of the Constitution provides for the action.The field under the provisions of law. The Minister of the interior by the guidance of the board of control building out the regulation. The following
1 this Regulation shall apply when overdue sixty days from the date of its publication in the ราชกิจจานุเบกษาเป็นต้น go
number 2 in ministerial
."Facilities for handicapped or disabled, and the elderly" meansAnd the old man
"elevator" means a device used for bringing up and down between the floor of the building at different levels. But not the escalator or moving walkway
."Touch surfaces" means the surface texture and color which is different from the surface and the color in the side which visually impaired persons can touch
."The net" means the width measured from one point to another point without any thing hinder
.Article 3 building types and characteristics as follows. To provide facilities for the disabled, or disability. And the old man as defined in the regulations. In the open to the general public
.(1) hospital, nursing home, health centers, health centers, the office of governor, state enterprises, the organization of the state established by law. School library and Museum of the state transit station, such as the airport.The bus station, the wharf area with any part of the building is open to individuals over ๓๐๐ m
(2), office, theatres, hotels, conference, stadiums, shopping centers, department stores different kinds of area with any part of the building is open to individuals beyond. 2, exhibitions of m
category display facility
4 buildings, according to Article 3 must provide a label facilities for handicapped or disabled, and the elderly. Accordingly, the details of which are as follows: (1) the symbol
.(2) marked the way to facilities for handicapped or disabled, and the elderly.
(3) symbols or letters show the types of facilities for handicapped or disability. And the old man
.Article 5 the symbol challenged. Mark shows the way to facilities for handicapped or disabled and the elderly, and symbols or letters show the types of facilities for handicapped or disability. And the elderly. According to 4.Or blue by ground label is white!
Article 6 display facilities for handicapped or disabled and the elderly. There must be clear. It can be easily seen. Stuck in a position not confusing. And to provide extra light both day and night, Volume 2
.The ramp and the elevator -----------------------
.Article 7 buildings according to item 3. If floor level in buildings or ground level within the building with the exterior of the building. Or the pavement outside the building has difference level more than 20 mm, with ramp or elevator between the space, different levels.The 20 mm to cut corners the floor the different levels of no more than 4 5 degrees
Article 8 ramp to look as follows:
(1). Surface slope must be the material does not slip
(2). The surface of the joint between the floor and a smooth ramp due to not stumble
.(3) the net width not less than 9 and if mm in length of the ramp combination since 6, 1972 mm up to a width less than the net 1, 50. Mm
.(4) there is an empty space in front of the ramp length no less than one millimeter, Uzbekistan.
(5) ramps have ความลาดชัน not exceeding 1: 12 and has a length of each phase no more. 6, 1972 mm in six ramp too long,Script, mm must provide Chan long stay no less than one on theory, mm separated during each phase of the ramp
(6). The ramp, no side wall to raised high from the surface of the ramp, no less than 50 mm and flagship
.(7) ramp with a length of from 2, Uzbekistan. Mm degree have handrails on both sides the following
(a) materials smooth. Stability strong, harmless to catch and slip
.(b) are rounded, the diameter is less than 30 mm but not exceeding 40 mm
(c) high from the ground less than 80. Mm. But not more than 9 and if mm
.(d) the story caught the side wall a distance from the wall of not less than 50 mm height based on collected from no less than 12. Mm and the story touched a wall wall smooth
.(E) the story touch long continued. And part of that adhere to the wall must not obstruct or hinder the use of the impaired see
(f). The ends of the strap to file from the beginning and the end of the ramp is less than 30 mm education
.(8), show the direction, position, or number of buildings that visually impaired persons And the old man could know the meaning. Up and down of the ramp is located at the connection between floors
.(9), a symbol in the guests on ramp provided to disabled guests or และคนชรา
.Article 9 buildings according to Article 3 with a number from the two or above must provide the elevator or ramp at the handicapped or disability. And the old man available between the layers of the building
.Elevator that guests or disability. And the old man used to up and down on every floor. Elevator control systems guests or disability. And the old man can control himself, use safely. And in the handicapped or disability.
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