Nu-history/milestones The "catch" is the local language of the province is the name of the drum, which resembles the common "wear" with Wen drum beat by three wood, solid hand-drum sizes ranging from 2 page 35-100 cm is made from wood or jackfruit wood to visit sugar top, leather wrapped front to catch Buffalo or cow skin on both pages.The race is one of the southern tradition, UNESCO believes that start up with the popular Phra tradition because of the continuous operating. Before the Lord, for happy lunar month is in the range of 11 end dash Devil measuring 10 to end well, starting a tradition of Phra butbok is made to cover the control and UNESCO (UNESCO publication) so people according to various villages have known Temple is the Phra, has never been a tradition every year. But most of the temple is located in the same neighborhood. The villagers do not know how to make the sound of any measure that is a UNESCO World Heritage. Make each measured sound race to catch that a measure which is more than loud!. In the first phase, it will beat the competitors themselves inside the temple, thus gradually came to rival each other as central bringing in UNESCO to come save NA or places.Best to wrap up an important tradition in UNESCO are as well, because the competition is also used to catch those who hit the craft, is to wrap up in UNESCO. The UNESCO will therefore depend on whether or not upholstered Phon. Each measure is considered secret by looking wood came on-demand cut into pieces and then take the punch, hollow wooden equivalent throughout the. But the airbase used to perforate the kheng within both sides into a chicken breast. This is because I want to echo and punching the ball at the edge of the tattoo on the bottom in water buffalo leather cut into evenly using a large round as the mouth of the hole. Head-soaked yuak bananas. When completely dry, then finally Tak-sheathed wooden balls that conform to the tattoo is already stretched, taut hole drilling both above and below.Define the job. The tasks drag-races to catch the Lord held for approximately 11 lunar month of October of each year at the stadium in front of City Hall and drag the Royal Beach phatthalung fun can check out the details at The race was divided into 2 to catch the competition (hit-resistant). It takes a long time until the race exhausts Another competition is part of the race in the shortest race time and is popular for more than resistant khanti racing.This type of competition, and there catch contest: 4 sizes smaller circumference not exceeding 120 cm sized girth not exceeding 152 cm, large girth not exceed 190 cm special size and girth exceeds 190 cm, including Bumblebee and Megatron Phon euphemism seems to hit UNESCO World Heritage.
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