• Summary: ... Evidence of all this was to testify that Jesus is the Christ the son of God, and then those who believe in Christ will always be blessed, is receiving eternal life (1 John 5:11-13) because of that eternal life is a gift from God (design 2:8-9) and will receive eternal life by believing in Jesus Christ who is the son of God only. Note: ... All three of these testimonies is associated with those who believe the same.• All three witnesses the occur to those who believe in Jesus with. Kitkan 2:38 pm "Peter rachueng said that they repent and receive God be Prof come in Jesus Christ to all people, God will lift the sins of all of you, and then they will receive the peer Lord Bristol Mystics is pure." Summary 1. Jesus won the world and human lifeJohn 16:33 "We told this story with you so that you will have peace in our world in this ability, you will experience. But the troubles come plainly because we won. " Jesus ' victory in the story?1. Jesus defeats the Northern powers of sin makes sinners have hope and a way out. Hebrews 9:28 "Christ it is; I lobbed his own sacrifice once is enough to bear the sins of the people he is required, much is already God would wish not kotpen second to defeat sin, but to bring salvation, 5000 m da who awaited his mind focused." 2. Jesus has authority over the devil, evil, making a win over this world because this is the world of the evil fiend.1 John 3:8. "Those who sin, it comes from the devil, because the devil it's sin, but initially the son of God came Prado กฏก็ this reason is to make the pattern of the devil." • The power of both is something that no human being that can win one at all. This is why we have to rely on help from God, not the God of this world, but God is the influence which is to believe in Jesus as "Jesus is the Christ (God's selection), and is the son of God." • Parade of karoman, the deity, is "the goddess Nike (Nike)" because in that time the Greeks believed in one God called "Nike", which translates as "victory." This God made them triumph. But they were unable to rescue them from the power of sin and the devil, evil, but Jesus can do.
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