A thousand hard land nadoet sandwich! He invented fried chicken recipe is delicious and is famed throughout the world. It also is the founder of KFC restaurant.He was born on September 9 2433 (1890) city state country United States Indianapolis Ville Henry before he starts a restaurant business. He has been through a lot of work, regardless of whether it is a train. Travel steamer Brokers sell life insurance but with utsaha and love to cook. He opened the first restaurant at petrol stations in the city core fly "Kentucky State" in order to provide service to people who travel through the back. His restaurant ventures began with the reputation and is widely known.He has expanded to another area of the border road by opening small restaurants 142 seats a thousand San nadoet. I love to cook and experiment with dishes prepared spices " You can try mixing with 10 kinds of herbs, spices and flour mash with chicken, then FRY.In one day, while he is preparing fried chicken to sell to tourists. He has mixed spices for the 11 original ingredients into it and he said, "with this kind of mixture 11 I have found the most delicious fried chicken I have ever eaten." and that fried chicken recipe is a secret formula that is still used until today.2478 (1935) nadoet in the transaction have been praised by Governor of the State of Kentucky, as a "Kentucky Colonel" as his restaurant is a restaurant that is famous as the showpiece of the State of Kentucky.Your restaurant business flourished as well, until the road was cut 2493 (1950). Do people use the same routes, reduced Uncle decided to shut down his restaurant venturesWith the quality of your confidential recipe fried chicken Uncle. Thousands of people in San nadoet 2495 (1952) has started to franchise businesses with investments only reached 105 billion u.s. dollars with the secret formula. Process and equipment for frying chicken to fry with chicken sales learn secret of spices as well as the owner of a restaurant. Restaurants throughout the United States You can visit and learn how a live chicken by frying a piece of you. When you're done, you can go sit down dining and batsing must one called "Coloneling" to make sure that your customers are impressed by the taste of fried chicken and a service of excellence.He sold the idea, only 5 cents a piece of chicken that license sold. The majority of contracts are agreed by hand only. 2507 (1964) someone interested in joining business with those of thousands of people around the United States that Sander 600 scholars and Canada. When the scope of the business has expanded widely exceeds the capabilities of thousands of Sander will accommodate you, it has decided to sell the business to a group of investors led by John Y. Brown Jr. (John y Brown, Jr.), a former Governor of the State of Kentucky and Jack (Jack Massy. Mayor SY) from the city of Nashville, Tennessee State, where thousands of users San nadoet. Kentucky Fried Chicken still served as Goodwill Ambassador to help and advise the business had expanded rapidly and was originally named (Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation) on the New York Stock Exchange on January 16 with more than 3500 2512 (1969) branch of the world at that time Inc. acquired Heublein 2514 (1971) July 8-company joint venture, KFC Corporation from the original group of businessmen.In December thousands of people died in 2523 (1980) San nadoet with a 90-year-old, although he will be with us to have your confidential recipe fried chicken is still inherited from generation to generation, and R.J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. company, 2525 (1982) (company RJR Nabisco, Inc. today). the acquisition of Heublein Inc. Kentucky Fried Chicken made as part of the company, Heublein Inc. is one of the biggest changes to Kentucky Fried Chicken occurs when PepsiCo (pep-Sy co) interest in the restaurant business and purchased the copyright of KFC from RJR Nabisco company, Inc in October 2529 (1986)January 2540 (1997) pep Sy co (PepsiCo) has a policy to exclude the Group of restaurants, including KFC, Pizza Hut, and a new company, Bell tacos under the name TRICON Global Restaurants, Inc. (Sai con GOL hotel hotel restaurant ongta, Inc.), a company which has more than 30000 companies in 100 countries around the world.
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