Security jobs in mechanical engineeringSummary of operational safety rules. 1. check the availability of a machine all parts to make sure before you turn it on. 2. try opening and shutting down. 3. before you start work, make sure that the anchor piece and cutting tool tightly and successfully. 4. While the machine is running, do not adjust the air drops of oil or a round piece to clean. 5. do not use fingers or any part of the body treatments are machines even shut the switch box. 5. should maintain operational areas, but do not have oil stains or debris pieces. 6. the machine should be used only to open, close friends, let alone machines. 7. do not play each other during the performance. 8. during operation the machine must have a concentration with machinery. Don't talk to your friends 9. do not let the machine work without the wait control. 10. the operating area should have enough lighting.
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