The world day against drugs
"The United Nations General Assembly" has been given a June 26 of each year as "World Day against drugs", in which one Thai national in United Nations Member countries. Around the world with activities on the day against drugs on a regular basis. Therefore, in order to remind the public that Thai drug awareness occurred as a problem of the entire Thai nation people that everyone should contribute to prevent and resolve. LbIt's part of Thai people would like to invite everyone, "wearing a white shirt" at the world day against drugs
. The country has a problem dealing with Thai drug comes a period of slowly for a long time. The Government in each era has taken to solve the problem of drugs come along, until in 1993. 2501 of the revolution under the leadership of field marshal Sarit thanarat was issued declaring the revolutionary 37 down December 9, 1958, quit smoking opium around the Kingdom, with the burning of opium and opium smoking equipment at Sanam Luang in the 30 day return. After years of PT. 2502Prof. 2504 (1961) the Government has established a "Committee against drugs to blame." Use a short name that papot. Affiliated with the Prime Minister's Office, the Director-General as Chairman of the Police Department and has representatives from all the relevant Government Committee.
Later, in the reign of Mr. Thaninot Kraiwichian was the Prime Minister of the Government considers crackdown on drugs could not be resolved by the local police department operations division. It proposed a draft act against drugs. TrAdministrative reform Council Prof. 2519 (1976) per land and enact a law on November 16, 1976
. Since then, the drug problems of the Thai nation, conducted with the plan and is a better system. The Act has been given to this Committee against drugs or get a short name that lb lb sat. With the Prime Minister as Chairperson and lb lb sat. As a central agency responsible directly. As a Department. '' One of the Prime Minister's Office The current Office of the Ministry of Justice, the Prime Minister's direct.
Thai country. Office lb lb satAs the central agency responsible for the prevention and solution of drugs in the country. Have taken their story day against drugs of the United Nations proposed to the Cabinet in a meeting on June 14, 1988? June 26 of each year as the day against drugs, starting year. TrProf. 2531 (1988).
drugs [view all images in category]
day against drug addiction?
The motto for anti-narcotics
the motto of international day against drug abuse in "drugs Do to the 2550 (2007) 2552 (2009) control your life?" Your life. No place for drugs. "Your community", which translated into Thai that "drugs dominated your life? Your life. Your society. There is no need for the drugs "
Office of lb lb sat. The motto for the crusade against drugs. :
-The year 2551 (2008) concept of "doing good deeds by the father" under the motto "civil power include Thai drug danger"
-2550 (2007) total annual Thai power " Eliminating the hazard of drugs together to honor Tai rachan element "
. -60 years, "2549 (2006) annual and total power of all the Thai throne, national drug eradication"
-2548 (2005) is the annual "power of Thai. Against the danger of drugs "
-2545 (2002) annual" power of the masses. Earth to eliminate drug abuse: The Power of people can conquer illicit drugs "
.What is drug
? Drug means drugs or chemicals of any type, or an object that may be a product of natural or synthetic drug that, when the body either by ingestion or injection pumping Government method, any method is interval wela. Lovely body, and fall of the slave power, Tai or something, then both the body and the soul or the mind alone, because of the need to increase the size to consume even more, because when the drug into the crisis phase, drug resistant, teak. When it is time to take. If the drug will cause symptoms of lack of medicine. Torture, both physical and mental or psychological alone. Drugs At present, there are plenty of drugs for hundreds of categories. Which can be divided as follows:
Split according to the effect on central nervous system.
1. nervous opium morphine heroin hit the categories include nerve pills tranquilizers. Volatile Hypnotic nerve stimulation: category 2.
amphetamine drug e-Koka cottage located a fantasy e
3. Category: nervous haunt ls DD Mt Buffalo shit ya mushrooms k
4. type of vitamin mix (may stimulate the nerve, or share the press haunt): cannabis
broken down by source.
1. opium morphine marijuana cottage, natural, etc.
2. From synthesis, such as heroin, amphetamine pills e-access, fantasy, etc.
1. divide legally Act drugs, such as amphetamine 2522 (1979) penalty heroin LSD ecstacy, etc.
2. affect object act towards mental and nervous 2518 (1975) like e-fed green
3. The emergency decree preventing the use of volatile, trigger laek adhesive thinner 2533 (1990)
style hooked
. Some types of drugs causing addiction has both physical and psychological, but certain types of drugs, causing the installation to the soul alone
1. Drug addiction is a physical addiction or abuse people with severe drug needs, both physical and mental well-being. When it's time to eat and not to eat the unusual symptoms very much both physically and mentally, which is called the "lack of pain pills." Addicted to opium morphine heroin when they lack medicines, there is nausea, vomiting Hao snot delirious insomnia, pain throughout the body, etc
2.The drug's path to addiction because of the mental demand, or in the habit of tracking. If you do not have to indulge your body, it will not result in an abnormal condition or thuronthurai.
Data from: Office of the lb lb sat
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