Week4We are a group that split the duties. This task is easier than the first. This task is easier than ever to do the work first because I've done it, Because before the teachers to make a group video., each group will come to find out that there is a video presentation. Suggested places to foreigners and people of Thailand, but with myself. We offer English, everything. We already presented everything in English. the presentation next week comes around, listening to the teacher, the place where we are. In case the teacher what's more, the Group suggested we meet face-to-face with friends and talking points in a group that will remove where. We agreed that the removal of the movie clubs and sailing trips, according to Roy Alexander Palace, and we were going to see where we are going to shoot video of the presentation, professors, teachers and sufficient to meet the proposed story strikes a teacher that we suggested that around? A group of us took a trip by sailing clubs and Roy movies, Alexander Palace, but teachers do not remove and then the first place that we choose, they fail. The teacher told us to come around and not hold back the capital's clubs and cruise tourism, at noon. Just that he just used our location filming it. Teachers, however, we are going to discuss how to select the new. Than we will choose him. Because we do not know where to take the best. The opinions do not match at all is very difficult. Over time, two hours, a group of us were agreed that the suggested ban would cover our presentation and we went to the teacher, but no contents contents because it places the other friend group. I feel a lot of stress, fear, and not through the contents of the last three places that we went through. It is thought around the teacher, it is recommended that, to guide us, we were talking with friends in an article that breaks the group to agree to offer video in the know? Days later, after we finished, we talk to the teacher to see the places. We beat five-time friends weekend is fairly difficult because it must wake up early. Usually wake up seven a.m. We see it around the market that he sell? What is a food guide on the market, and the share who choose what selection of friends.สำรวจตลาดเสร็จพวกเราก็แตกคนแยกย้ายกันไปเรียน วันต่อมาพวกเราก็ประชุมกันว่าจะทำวีดีโอออกมารูปแบบไหน และหลังจากนั้นก็เป็นวันที่ถ่ายวีดีโอจริง ซึ่งวันนั้นฉันไม่ได้นอนเลยกลัวจำบทพูดไม่ได้ อุปสรรคเยอะมากวันนั้นฉันไม่สบายอีกด้วย ไปตลาดตั้งแต่เวลา 05:25 am. -10:20 am. พวกเรายังถ่ายวีดีโอยังไม่เสร็จ ฉันเริ่มจะไม่ไหวแล้ว ฉันจำบทที่จะพูดไม่ได้ ถ่ายหลายรอบมาก เหลือแต่ในส่วนของฉันเพื่อนๆเขาถ่ายกันเสร็จหมดแล้ว แต่สุดท้ายกลุ่มพวกเราก็ทำงานเสร็จจนได้ ผ่านไปด้วยยากลำบากขอบคุณเพื่อนๆมากที่ไม่ว่าให้ฉัน เพราะว่าฉันจำบทพูดไม่ได้ งานชิ้นที่สองก็ผ่านไปด้วยดี หรือว่าไม่ดีว่าต้องรอดูก่อนอีกรอบหนึ่งตอนส่งวีดีโอ
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..