Thai massage
How to massage
We can massage on the body by means of massage:
.The massage To use the weight pressing down on parts of the body. The weight that the press will cause the muscle tendons at phangphuet. Thai massage usually focuses on the use of body weight is a force, press
.Compression is used to weight down on parts of the body in such a way 2 press together
.The ones The use of weights. Press the weight distribution on the ones at best. The ones that resulted in such a sensitive area used to touch, such as bones, joints
.The rub The use of weights, rubbing, to make the skin to stretch, extend the pores open. This method is used with the drug or medicine personally to reach oil well.
.Holding the rotating weight rolling roller causing pressure continued throughout the whole organ is also a stretch. Muscle.
To rotate. The use of weights, rotate the moving parts are joints to stretch the tendons around the joints phangphuet b. better animation
twist is similar to rotating
.Avatar The use of weights, stretch bending muscles. Phangphuet, tendons stretched over the normal route to work at the nearby
cacophony. To use the weight it would slap chop down on the muscle,
.To shake it. Shake weight uses muscles in order to distribute the flexibility of muscles,
► "massage" is divided into 3 style
.Massage this massage style stretching bending is stretching bending muscles tendons stay stretched to phangphuet
.Massage the centerline Traditional style is to use a weight pressing down any aircraft to tamowaiwa. This type of massage is our เชื่ยว งอาศัย Ko massage. Who has made a long massage and note the reaction of the press to the tamowaiwa
?Acupressure massage Massage style is to use a weight pressing down on the points of the body. This massage originates from the experience, and the belief that the organs of the body are reflected on the various sections. Lol on the body.
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