an engineer (engineer) have a duty to study calculated design review issues, and control the production of the design and construction construction machinery factory production control and many otheran engineer must have leadership, because projects that we need to do is to look after them, in accordance with the self-set out because of the occupation, this successful สำเร้จ. We need to work with the industry.need to have a work permit or an engineering known as "a certificate."for a career in engineering
certificate is divided into 3 levels:
party engineers 2. Ordinary engineers
3. Senior engineers
by the Federation of engineers to consider the license depending on the nature and size of the work with twigs
The reason that I wanted to be an engineer it may not have much to interest when it was just two years ago, when the oldest went to a friend during a forum on the walk to work, I felt that it was this career is suitable for science and the reasons for it, it was a feeling like a wireless, as well as to the parents of both of them, I was a doctor, I was secretly bored career. Even though the most friends will select career branches,
an engineer is a mechanism that is not the main driving force in energy sector infrastructure transportation will be a commercial real estate capital markets, telecommunications
80% of capital in his legs such as civil engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, engineering among Thai industries receiving much interest, mechanical engineering, mining engineering,engineering, computer, etc. , students can study in a self-handed. Two years in without having to wait for over six years, and then go to a doctor, so compared to the specific, the study engineers can complete work out the
However, because the mission of land in almost all universities as well as private universities, in each year there is an engineer had come out of the competition. More medical doctors, so if I want to be more than an engineer schoolAs the university will be on the My brother throughout ชืวิต also do not count toward the end to a senior executives in accordance with various companies, of course, when you get to work Nong would be an opportunity to be his brother, who graduated from the Institute
the Entrance Exams to engineers will focus on the mathematics, especially the top
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