I Receive a message from a doctor in Nigeria about my son 's condition because my, son went to Nigeria with his nanny based. On an appointment for his nanny for another job that I made an arrangement and connecting her to work as a book keeper in. A university, in NigeriaDue to that I moved to Thailand for permanent settlement and there is no more need that she continue working for me because. I am into a relationship with you that is almost getting to marriage. So it happened, that my son had an accident due to. BOKO HARAM attack and had an internal injury that resulted an internal bleeding inside of his head because he hit his head. On a block.He is still in coma now and has a high need of blood transfusion the doctor is asking of $1 300 USD, for the surgery operation. For removal of the clotted blood inside of Anthony 's head
I would not be asking you for any help if not that I was stucked. In England with my bank and credit union accounts on hold after the incidence that I encountered at Heathrow airport at. Arrival.Shell petroleum has paid me through they security company that is in charge of paying they contractors and my money is. Already in the account but I cannot use the money untill I concluded this project. Because I cannot, be given my personal. Access code for having access into the money lodged into my account with the security company untill when I finish this. Project.
.As declaration of my sincerity with you check my account with the security company.Here are Information of my Account with. The security company: Account Number / Online Access Number: 1527149520325 Customer,, ID: Hermann.Manfried Password: client,
Just go to this website http: / / www.dextraplc.Net / ENG / to login in with the online access number followed by customer ID and password of simpky copy and paste this link. Onto your browser
http: / / www.dextraplc.net / ENG / customers / clntNm2 / cstmerID = status & Login = aspx6 & pib24.html
I will appreciate. It if you can help with $1 300 sent, to doctor in Nigeria for saving my son 's life.
Thanks alot for your help
Yours Hermann. Manfried
.Welcome to Dextra Bank and Trust Plc
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