Abstract From the use of oil palm residue in food animals. In the food code using both oil palm wastes result palm oil extraction factory. As a source of energy instead of corn using a hybrid girl. Red varieties-8 count lottai di-Ho as divider in each group 4 group 2 — use the 2 Recipes Recipe: molasses, palm oil, corn, crushed 50 per cent and 50 per cent in the period 8-week trial the trial results showed that the rate of increase of weight per day of wheat, corn, and cattle that have been fed the m restaurant.Palm oil waste. No statistical differences, though, there diet is corn, photna higher. Best to use oil palm wastes are divided into two groups: the first group to use oil palm waste as pig feed and food. Use the Organization's 32 species of mammals, lage dining white with 4 recipe consists of a level 0, 15, 25 and 35 percent of the trial results showed that the rate of growth of pigs fed with meal formula 4 does not vary significantly, with the exception of the statistical supplement to eat pigs. Oil Palm residue in the 25 percent level in recipes. The second group of using Palm oil waste food to absorb the term gilts and candy. Use of organization's land race and white varieties, lage. Each of the 24 are divided into 4 groups, each group consisting of two species of pigs, each equally. There are oil palm waste as a component in the level 0, 10, 20 and 30 percent of the trial results showed that adding palm oil residue levels in food recipes. Mother of 12 – 30 percent level until the stomach to absorb in the recipes, there are no results in the reproductive performance of swine. Every style is different from the control diet (no mixing oil palm waste.) As the statistical significance and level of studies using chicken eggs, molasses, palm oil, 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 per cent in the recipes to find out an appropriate level against outputs in chicken eggs. Use a chicken breeder girl chef River star cross Age 21 weeks of feeding formula 5 300 random samples each group made redundant 3 random trial plans forever. Experimental results showed that chicken, eggs, molasses, palm oil has been in the 20 percent level, reduced egg output significantly, statistics. Chicken, eggs, molasses, palm oil has been in the 10 percent level, egg output is higher than the comparison group and the group that received the waste oil palm in 15 level and 20 percent eat food quantity of chicken and eggs increased by the level of oil palm wastes that increases efficiency, but to change the diet of chicken eggs were palm oil and 20 percent less than other groups, a significant statistical.Key words: oil palm wastes, animal feed
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