The future of hair. I want to be an engineer because I think the Honorable profession engineer career. With dignity as a profession has a duty to calculate the design. Creative growth, nation Professional engineers are responsible for the safety of life and property of the people, as well as the environment and the quality of life of dignity, honor and trust that the public give to baked chanom engineering practitioners considered the faith that people who laid the foundations. Utilities engineer must therefore available on the subject of ethics and moral quality, knowledge, wisdom, and to be the driving force, development of the nation. Personally, I I want to be an engineer because electrical power is essential while the world still rotates with the development of electricity, so I see that it is necessary to moisten the various industrial sectors. If there is not enough electricity use in the industrial sector, it will produce less economic recession, it will therefore need to find a source of electrical energy, more to meet the needs of the country and happiness among the populace. Thank you
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