At the ninth Summit in October 2003, of the Association of Southeast Asian (ASEAN) announced the intention to create an ASEAN community based on three pillars: the ASEAN security community, ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN social and cultural community. One year later ASEAN established the Vientiane action plan to realize this goal.The process of building ASEAN community as a result of a change in the Mission of the Association for the past two decades. At the end of the cold war, increasing globalization's advance of China and India that are economic and political influence as well as the Asian financial crisis that has forced ASEAN to change from preventative diplomacy to keep the peace, and the original unity among members and in the region to negotiate the creation of the community to cope with the increased competition and the global political economy in the era of globalization.In more detail in one of the most incredible threat to ASEAN member countries, China has an economy that is strong in competition directly with those in Southeast Asia, particularly in trade and foreign direct investment. At the same time, a dragon sleeps in the past year has also tried to strengthen the economic and political influence of their presence in the region, and particularly in Myanmar, Laos, Viet Nam and Cambodia. That important changes have been more and more ASEAN countries, which share a fear of sharing of power in addition to overstep into long-term strategic competition between the United States and China, countries in the Asia-Pacific region. In order to cope with China and avoid interference from outside the country in Southeast Asia felt that there must be a duty, and rely on each other so that they can include strengths, as well as negotiating better power consumption in both the economic and political issues, as well as to work to cope with the Community merger compatible or in regions such as Europe or the United States and with international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.In addition, during the time of economic globalization and the fourth after it hard from the Asian financial crisis in the community to help Southeast Asian economies boost competitiveness and economic growth, attractive to investors both within and outside the region (Monte 2006) in 2003, a study done for the ASEAN Economic Ministers by McKinsey & Company warned that "the North is falling behind competitors. Change it into a true single market The shadow economy "will help revitalize the ...In terms of political issues and racial and religious tensions within the (mostly swing to swing in and out of Myanmar, the South, the East and South of the country, the Philippines, Indonesia) Have led to uncertainty for cross-border terrorism, illegal migration and drug trafficking, These and other problems, such as air pollution, disease, bird flu and AIDS action and regional coordination.Against this backdrop, ASEAN will be the future of the region and is very level depends on the level of the community's success.The ASEAN community would be based on three pillars: the thousands and sharing extra security, the ASEAN community. (ASC), ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the ASEAN social and cultural community (ASCC), ASC is expected to maintain and strengthen peace and security and stability, and increase the competitiveness of ASEAN in the handling of the stability in the region, which will include a spectacular political cooperation.And the fight against terrorism, but there are no plans for a group of soldiers in the region or treaty. In addition, member countries are free to conduct their own foreign policy and defense. While the AEC's mission is to develop a single market and production base that is stable and prosperous economic integration and competitiveness with efficient facilities for trade and investment, with a free flow of goods, labor, investment, goods that.And the free flow of capital, but it will not be used together in the same currency, the euro, and finally but not least as the ASCC for Southeast Asia bonded together in partnership as a "community and social care together." The action plan has four main elements: ASCC to create a community of social care, social impact management of economic integration, enhancing environmental sustainability and strengthen our social foundations regional collaboration towards the ASEAN community. In 2005, member countries agreed to establish the ASEAN Charter, which will serve as a legal framework for regional organizations and institutions, and the ASEAN community. Although it will not take the time to work over any State with the goal of community challenges, ASEAN believes that there is a critical impact to people's life in Southeast Asia tai.
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