Study on the optimization of shipping using the theory of Just In Time company case study of friendly packaging. The purpose of research to find the cause of the problem and application of the principle. Just In Time.By the sample. Employees working in the shipping company of friendly packaging. The interview. The population studied.8 People
.The research about optimization of shipping using the theory of Just In Time case study company of friendly packaging. The researchers note that limited company of friendly packaging.Is the ship in time, customers set by this problems are caused by the Production delays and is not standard.The company lacks credibility
.An approach to solve the problem is the principle of Just In Time to optimize delivery by helping to reduce the waiting time in the production of goods, causing delay in delivery process and how to build a transport plan model.Vehicle Routing Problem is used to reduce the distance the transportation of goods and should provide the driver the sort order to send the next day in immediately. In the evening every day after beating conquest to the company.The delivery of goods to the customer are fast more
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