The definition of environment
is Everything around men, both living and dead. Including concrete (Tangible and visible) and intangible (such as cultural stereotypes, customs, beliefs) influences related to each other. A factor in supporting each other. The effects of factors contributed to reinforce or destroy another part. Inevitably Environmental cycles and cycles related to both
environmental divided into broadly two parts:
Environment occurring naturally such as forests, mountains, soil, water and air resources
Environment, man-made, such as urban structure remains. Art and culture of environmental problems , we can identify the environmental problems facing society today has three main problems : 1. the reduction of natural resources 2. Pollution or environmental pollution 3. Problems of ecological destruction , environmental problems caused by the big three reasons: 1. An increasing number of population, increasing demand for natural resources. For basic living needs, including arable agricultural areas increased dramatically. Finally, there is deforestation should be reserved to maintain the natural environment. The need to use other resources such as water, air, minerals, energy resources, which is mostly just to meet the increasing demands of today. A lack of planning to use it effectively. And consideration of future needs. The degradation of the environment generally and can cause serious damage in the future. If the disposal or use of resources. Naturally, one is not careful, the next two. The combination of population and human settlement or a man-made environment. And to contribute to the transformation of the natural environment as well as the rapid expansion of the city. This is usually a lack of planning and pre-planning to the problem of dependency. So that no land use regulations. Traffic Problems Lack of infrastructure and services in general. As well as leisure show a decline in both physical and social conditions. And quality of life in the city, while the expansion of the city that are usually caused by industrial expansion. The industry will benefit from the close proximity to the city at large, which means the market of transportation and basic services. Better city or small communities. Industrial expansion is often a lack of planning or adequate control. The cause sewage problems Air pollution from industrial wastes and emissions which are causing problems for both the physical. And the health and quality of life of the population as three. The use of modern technology in the production of agricultural fertilizers and pesticides has caused the decline of soil quality. Toxic soil Which may spread into the river as a source of water. Or the industry How to produce the use of lead, arsenic, mercury, etc. These substances are toxic to the health of the population. And difficult to alter or destroy the residual exhausted. Energy use is likely to cause environmental problems in many respects can be seen that the environmental problems that arise from them. And actions of the people to amend the plan to improve the quality of the environment and environmental protection , conservation of natural resources and the environment means using natural resources wisely. Using less To achieve maximum benefit With regard to the long duration of use. And cause the least environmental damage. Including the use of natural resources must be distributed evenly However, in the present state of natural resources and environmental degradation more. Therefore, conservation of natural resources and the environment, it is meant to improve the quality of the environment by conserving natural resources and the environment can be done in several ways. Both directly and indirectly as follows: 1. Environmental Conservation under way. The practice of individual, organizational and national levels is 1) the economy is to use as needed. In order to have the resources available for the benefit and cost-effectively as possible , 2) recycling over again. Some items when they are used once and then can be reused, such as plastic bags, paper, etc., can be applied by various processes, such as used paper and then go through the process. To make paper, cardboard, etc., reducing resource consumption and environmental destruction were three) restored. Some items, when used for long periods may cause malfunction. Therefore, if Renovations Which extend the lifespan of a further 4), therapy and rehabilitation. As a way to reduce resource degradation with a treatment, such as sewage treatment plant or so before release to the public water supply. The restoration of a nature to bring back the captives as planting mangroves. To restore The balance of the forest to come back rich, etc. 5) Use something else instead. A method that allows the use of fewer natural resources and the environment, such as using cloth bags instead of plastic bags. Using banana leaves instead of foam Mineral fuels, the use of solar energy. The use of organic fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers, etc. 6) the surveillance and prevention. As a means to prevent environmental damage such as surveillance of trash. Sewage into rivers, ditches, forest fires, etc. to prepare defenses.
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