British physicist and mathematician is someone that contributing to the understanding of gravity is very simple. The theory that made him the most famous is the discovery rule of the world. (The Law of Gravitation) that he had discovered the theory by accident. Events happen in one day, while Newton are horoscope Monday, then also the wonder why the Moon must revolve around the Earth. In between he was sitting mongduang Mon is a romantic getaway is heard, the apples from touching the ground. When Newton, then causing more doubts as to why different objects must agree to Earth always why not float up? Where Newton thought that there must be a force making something Apple OK ground. From this message, doubts Newton's experiments on the force of gravity. Newton's first trial is bringing the stones come from the lace then swing around Newton summary trial, this time on whether the rope is a major cause of rock, swing around, not away. So the reason that world. The planet revolves around the Sun and the Moon must have to fly around the world by attracting the Sun towards the Earth. And the planets and the Earth's gravity affects the Moon, including the reasons why Apple OK ground with it is caused by the attraction of the Earth........... In 1979 wrote Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica 1687 matters (commonly referred to as the Principia) is considered one of the most influential books in the history of science is the Foundation of classical mechanics. In this writings Newton described universal gravitation and the rules, Newton's laws of motion, which is a scientific rule, which, as the cornerstones of the study of the physical universe, forever. The next three centuries, Newton showed that the motions of objects on Earth and of the objects in the sky are under the natural law of the same type. Shows the consistency between the motion of the planets, Kepler's, with the theory of gravity, which helps confirm the Sun as a central concept, the universe, and allows the scientific revolution.
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