Earth resources survey satellite, divided into 2 large groups, as follows: (1) satellite control space tourism Save data with most cameras Images recorded can be interpreted using the technique on imagery translation. The first satellite has been designed and is well known for participating in the "SPACE RACE", while the Sun later such as SKYLAB and the space shuttle. Design of experiments, especially in response to the policies of President John F. Kennedy announces that thipdi at the end of the year, 1960 that American must be a man who stepped up to the moon. (2) satellite with no more space or satellite system. This type of satellite would contain the data recorder did not use the camera. Data communication can be interpreted using the technique to translate the imagery and computer-based translation Group of satellite Earth resources survey automation system consists of a satellite containing the data recorder, which recorded in the visible spectrum range include:-A group of satellites LANDSAT, which is the origin of the Earth resources survey satellite.SPOT-satellite (Le Systeme Probatoire de le de le Terre Observation)- LANDSAT-borne Multispectral Resource Sample (MRS)
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