"Cake" (cake) is a type of food that is usually sweet and crispy dough baking, which is made from sugar and other ingredients, such as eggs, fruit and vegetables, sweet or sour, or fat components, such as butter, cheese, milk, yeast, etc and as a dessert, and celebrate in festivals abroad, especially in the birthday and wedding day, where in the world have a recipe or formula to make a cake, there are millions of such a variety of cake recipes, cheese cake pancakes, fruit cake. Cake, butter and jam, roll, etc. Cake. Root words from the language of the Vikings (Old Norse word) comes from the word "kaka" history, starting from the year 1843, British chemist named Alfred bird (1811-1878 Alfred Bird) was found "Fu" powder (baking powder), making him a kind of bread made without yeast, as for the first time. This is because his wife (Elizabeth) is an allergy, there diet of eggs and yeast mixture. For the cake in Thai history. Back when cake 2480 (1937) is not yet known to the General people too much. Some people have only just received the Western civilization or closely with foreign tourists who come to do business. By bakery (bakery) in Bangkok is not much. The shop is located at Charoen krung road is restaurant Monte Lo Hien ngabe bakery. Later in 2490 (1947) after the second world war ended. Thai trade countries do business with foreign countries, and tourism have expanded increasingly. Are consumed bread cakes? Angry customers to stream music or foreign tourists are more. It is for this reason that a business baking bread or cake. Pastry cookies, it expands, and it is well known and has been widely popular since then.
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