Hello, My sister, thanks to her, I remembered, and I blessed him. She wants me to be happy, thank you, I ask her. Happy as well, and I'm like, do you really. It makes me happy and think of you, because we had a birthday this month as well. When. She is back home again, I'll wait for her to come to my party liquor free of 55+, we have not met nearly 20 years ago it?, I remember when she was a child smile, our homes. adjacent See each other every day I like this girl and her many friends. She is my sister, I always feel and think like this. , Wanted to see her happy, let her riches, fulfillment. Have a good life And spent her life happily, because it is your life, I believe the most successful. And asked her to have a better life as a dream that everyone's needs. Hello, I Want You to know About ME like, Alcohol Drink, do Not Go out at Night, I Go to a Restaurant The Day The Evening Go Exercise. . Then go home every day. I live in a small town, quiet, comfortable. I want you to know me more. But I can not speak to you. My sister does not believe you will love me? Just talk to thank. You, Still Have Us to Get to know each Other Better, and be Happy. © the 2,014th Baidu agreement Translate | Send feedback and comments | HELP.
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