History of Toon bodyslam (Bodyslam) Name: wrahs such as garland
nickname: toon
birthday: 30 may 2522
height: 175 cm.
weight. : 65 kg.
elementary education: โรงเรียนสุพรรณภูมิ province
secondary:? Suankularb wittayalai school
.Bachelor of law, Chulalongkorn University
artists like: Match Box 20 Lifehouse Award: outstanding, filial piety on Mother's Day 2549 Occupation: singer, camp 2537 - 2545 (จีนี่เรคอร์ดส),Music bugs experience in music
- former band member novice
- sing rap to the Big Ass
- เล่นดนตรีกลางคืน on behalf of the white rose music works. The album, a novice
- Special Edition "fairy tale melody"
- album Bodyslam (the 2545)
.- album Drive (the 2546)
- album Believe (the 2548)
- album Save My Life (the 2550)
- album Project "PLAY" (1999). 2552)
- Album indigo (the 2553) Advertising - advertising Yamaha Spark
- M-150 advertising beverage advertising beverage PEP Z
.- ad pickup Mitsubishi Triton.
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