The discovery of different brain functions both parts. Help can take advantage of the brain. However, it appears that the misunderstanding When the discovery of Perry has been published. The summarization wrongly Interpretations by that both sides of the brain, this separate roles widely as Tess in normal subjects, such as the writer to write novels. The left brain is working very hard. While the right brain is nothing, or while painter painting. The right brain to work while the left brain is still. This misunderstanding led to writing about the development of the brain in some aspects such as the development of the right brain for those who lack of creativity. And development of the left side of the brain for the reason is poor, etc., even though in reality แล้วการท brain activity is very complex. And the both sides of the brain work linked. Unity, no matter what we do in the matter, (Levy J, 1985: 38-39 42-44. Cited, in Africa, กดิ์ prosperous family enemies 2545: 11-12).Almost every activity of thought. Both sides of the brain will think of switching between the left brain and the right brain (,, Hellige J.B 1990: 41. Cited in a prosperous province, a trowel. 2545: 12). So in developing critical thinking skills needed to develop, both in terms of reasoning and creative at the same time can not be isolated, develop skills each side. The brain can be split to see clearly in table below.
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