Factors that encourage smoking. -He wants to try. The youth started smoking because he wants to try, which is a natural curiosity to try teens is a challenging, exciting and fun. Although aware that it is not good for health, according to the.-As a friend Young people who start smoking because friends invite someone with a point of view that if smoking does not have access to your friends. Your friends will not be accepted, and many people do not dare to quit smoking because they fear the ridicule of friends and not to the group.-The people in the House. When people in the home, whether they are parents or relatives who live in the same House, smoking. Many people are smoking because smokers in the House, but the children, so I think it's normal and I think it is disingenuous to adults. -To the society. Some people want to smoke because they have social functions. Party or parties. Some people will be smoking only in social purposes only. This is the belief that if you don't smoke, you will not have access to the Group and the business failed.-Stream of various ads ads directly and indirectly influence the life of plain people can cause a huge motivation to believe and like product advertisements. Although there are laws prohibiting the country Thailand to advertise cigarettes, but at present, young people can get to know foreign cigarette ads. Both books or radio and television will focus on the smart. Stylish and provocative, which affect in particular encourage smoking. Young people are more likely to smoke brands with advertising often average age of people infected was Thailand 18 years of smoking.
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