Example 1.1 farm land outside the municipality (the area can develop)
for example land provinces outside the municipality. The average price of land, about 40 000 B. / Rai Rai Size 10
tax currently used
.In this case, the land outside the municipality, the maximum reduction 5 farm land tax, if 10 Rai, are taxed just 5 Rai body to nurture local property tax
. Tax rate / rate should pay (effective rate) 0.05% such as in this case is 10 Rai, x 40 000 B. / Rai x 0.05% or 0.25% will pay taxes, about 200-1 000. / year
example 1.2 land ไร่น. In the municipality (developed areas)
for example land provinces in the area. The average price of land, about 200 000.Farm size 10 Rai
tax currently used
. In this case, the land in the municipality the maximum reduction 1 farm land tax, if 10 Rai will tax the 9 rai. Money is 4 455, respectively.
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