He wants to move closer to her.I know from experience.And I'm shaking when she heardSince the first day I went accidentally to think Lamer.I know, I'd like to say helloBut it is not enough to meet, and it was chaos.She lost it, she barely cared about died.It is exactly like anyone else take care of it? Do not knowAlmost forgot to breathe when she came!Just her smile it shakes to the heart.I would like to tell her to get knowledge, in mind.But now I don't know whether or not they go fast.I still don't know what she thinks.If the word saying, she replied that it was not.If it is, she would have walked away.Enough if she is!Hear the sound of a stone's throw away.Creates a secret heart.How much I will not speak.I'd like to let her know.Really would like to say a Word to.But I fear that would regret.If she is not. She would never forgive the word.Too uncomfortable to keep inside.Uncomfortable heart, fear that if they speak to the fear that they would regret.But now I don't know whether or not they go fast.I still don't know what she thinks.If the word saying, she replied that it was not.If it is, she would have walked away.Enough to have her nearby.Hear the sound of a stone's throw away.Creates a secret heart.How much I will not speak.Will keep in mind the date?Waiting for the day that I'm sureThough today she thought I meant.And she is ready to listen to the inside.They say that love, she heard nearby.Tell us your love it?If it is not obvious to hear it again.I heard that love her entire head.
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