.Pepper, used as a spice and flavor foods for a long time, make food is invited to eat, and pepper also contributes to food preservation. Make food use pepper, cook, stored for longer than normal, pepper aroma.(Volatile Oil) in pepper. In addition, in pepper also shipping updates Piperine alkaloids Piperine effect เป็นยาฆ่าแมลง said Peperine have positive effect on killing flies better than Pyrethrin but non-toxic to
the scientific name, common name Pepper Piper nigrum Linn.
D Piperraceae another name chili pepper little (North) (South), chili and meaningless. Black pepper, pepper her botanical characteristic
.The tree type crawler has a height of about 5 metres of the stem is a caldera ่มีอายุ stand, etc. The root system of the pepper tree will be born at an according to stem is the root is the root of small to help grip.3-6 roots, each root is rootlets, the leaves are green, fresh leaf like leaves flowers of pepper can be small, will be out of the round seeds would look round, adjacent a
pepper variety grown in the 6 varieties; varieties of thick leaves the house of David, breed breed glass varieties cheek frequency ordinary varieties cheek frequency curly leaf. Varieties of Kush Qing
. Properties- flower pepper were properties used to cure conjunctivitis due to high blood pressure
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