Zebra Juventus beat spurs to slash 2 to 1 lead 7 minutes after picking the first points scored since a friendly and enemy country club Australia. Battle of Bundesliga football seasons list of international champions Cup Melbourne Cricket Stadium Australia is a country of กราวน์ด the team Juventus from Italy serie a encounter with the Spurs from the English Premier League. The game starts with just 7 minutes, Paolo di BA la scored, leading 1-0 before Zebra, then the final score 14 minutes, shifting away from a 2-0 kanmong of buddy Baker na TIA. The second half, when the Spurs to tie in with the ACE, Rick, La Mela shooter chasing a 1 – 2 in minute 67, then the game is fun, but add a drill resistant Exchange. end game Juventus beat spurs to shear narrowly 2-1.
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