the central culture culture associated with residential
Thai houses is the wisdom of the ancestors. The thinking to build housing that suits the climate of
.International climate and the utility is the house raised to prevent flooding the body, because at the end of the season. It's a cataract from the north. To flood the area group in the central region. If a storm blows the basement, the house can be possible.Can be used as a place of weaving rice storage back-end price high and steep is ideal. With the hot weather and rain of the region because the hot air from the outside ถ่ายเทมา a room slowly and make it flow down rapidly.To prevent rain splash and sunlight house also think about the direction of the ventilation and cooling system by wind the wind called Integration or trade winds blowing from the south to the north, rest houses had to turn to the south.So the wind blowing through the
.Another unique aspect of the house. The porch which is a relief, ban, which is like the rest, relax of family, work hospitality and staying together as a big family. When the children get married.It can build a connected. The porch is a link. Utility for geography. And life condition that is agricultural society to house one. One of the unique culture of living in central
the Thai House, or house of Thai House in central region. To build with wood, divided into 2 types.
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