Chapter 8Monarchy***************** A monarchy is a form of government  การแปล - Chapter 8Monarchy***************** A monarchy is a form of government  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Chapter 8Monarchy*****************

Chapter 8
A monarchy is a form of government in which the office of head of state is usually held until death or abdication and is often hereditary and includes a royal house. In some cases, the monarch is elected . These exceptions make it difficult to define “monarchy” precisely; the most objective and comprehensive (albeit circular) definition would seem to be that a monarchy is a government that calls itself a monarchy. The monarch often bears the title king or queen. However, emperors/empresses, grand dukes/grand duchesses, princes /princesses and other ranks , are or have been used to designate duchesses,
As explained below, the word monarch means ‘single ruler’, but cultural historical considerations would appear to exclude presidents and other heads of state. Historically, the notion of monarchy may emerge under different circumstances. It may grow out of tribal kingship , and royal priesthood and the office of monarch (kings) becoming typically hereditary, resulting in successive dynasties or “houses”, especially when the leader is wise and able enough lead. It may also be a consequent emergence after an act of violence is committed upon local communities by an invading group, which usurps the communities rights over traditions.
The leader of the usurping group establishes himself as a monarch. A state of monarchy is said to result that reveals the relationships between resources, communities, monarch and his office. Even in antiquity, the strict hereditary succession could be tempered by systems or elective monarchy, where an assembly elects a new monarch out of a pool of eligible candidates. This concept has also been modernized, and constitutional monarchies where the title of monarch remains mostly ceremonial, without, or with very limited political power.
Currently, 44 sovereign nations in the world have monarchs acting as heads of state, 16 of which are Commonwealth realms that recognize Queen Elizabeth II as their head of state. The historical form of absolute monarchy is retained only in Brunei, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland, and Vatican City.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
chapter 8
a monarchy is a form of government in which the office of head of state is usually held until death or abdication and is often hereditary and. includes a royal house. in some cases, the monarch is elected. these exceptions make it difficult to define "monarchy" precisely;the most objective and comprehensive (albeit circular) definition would seem to be that a monarchy is a government that calls itself a monarchy. the monarch often bears the title king or queen. however, emperors / empresses, grand dukes / grand duchesses, princes / princesses and other ranks, are or have been used to designate duchesses,
as explained below, the word monarch means 'single ruler',.but cultural historical considerations would appear to exclude presidents and other heads of state. historically, the notion of monarchy may emerge under different circumstances. it may grow out of tribal kingship, and royal priesthood and the office of monarch (kings) becoming typically hereditary, resulting in successive dynasties or "houses",.especially when the leader is wise and able enough lead. it may also be a consequent emergence after an act of violence is committed upon local communities by an invading group, which usurps the communities rights over traditions.
the leader of the usurping group establishes himself as a monarch. a state of monarchy is said to result that reveals the relationships between resources,.communities, monarch and his office. even in antiquity, the strict hereditary succession could be tempered by systems or elective monarchy, where an assembly elects a new monarch out of a pool of eligible candidates. this concept has also been modernized, and constitutional monarchies where the title of monarch remains mostly ceremonial, without, or with very limited political power.
currently,.44 sovereign nations in the world have monarchs acting as heads of state, 16 of which are commonwealth realms that recognize queen elizabeth ii as their head of state. the historical form of absolute monarchy is retained only in brunei, oman, qatar, saudi arabia, swaziland, and vatican city.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 8
A monarchy is a form of government in which the office of head of state is usually held until death or abdication and is often hereditary and includes a royal house. In some cases, the monarch is elected . These exceptions make it difficult to define "monarchy" precisely; the most objective and comprehensive (albeit circular) definition would seem to be that a monarchy is a government that calls itself a monarchy. The monarch often bears the title king or queen. However, emperors/empresses, grand dukes/grand duchesses, princes /princesses and other ranks , are or have been used to designate duchesses,
As explained below, the word monarch means 'single ruler', but cultural historical considerations would appear to exclude presidents and other heads of state. Historically, the notion of monarchy may emerge under different circumstances. It may grow out of tribal kingship , and royal priesthood and the office of monarch (kings) becoming typically hereditary, resulting in successive dynasties or "houses", especially when the leader is wise and able enough lead. It may also be a consequent emergence after an act of violence is committed upon local communities by an invading group, which usurps the communities rights over traditions.
The leader of the usurping group establishes himself as a monarch. A state of monarchy is said to result that reveals the relationships between resources, communities, monarch and his office. Even in antiquity, the strict hereditary succession could be tempered by systems or elective monarchy, where an assembly elects a new monarch out of a pool of eligible candidates. This concept has also been modernized, and constitutional monarchies where the title of monarch remains mostly ceremonial, without, or with very limited political power.
Currently, 44 sovereign nations in the world have monarchs acting as heads of state, 16 of which are Commonwealth realms that recognize Queen Elizabeth II as their head of state. The historical form of absolute monarchy is retained only in Brunei, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland, and Vatican City.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
8 Monarchy Chapter

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A monarchy is a form of government in which the Office of head of state is usually held until death or abdication and is often hereditary and includes a royal house.In some cases, the monarch is elected. These exceptions make it difficult to precisely define "monarchy";The most objective and comprehensive (albeit circular) definition would seem to be that a monarchy is a government that calls itself a monarchy. The monarch often bears the title king or queen.However, emperors/empresses, the Grand dukes/Grand duchesses, princes/princesses and other ranks, are or have been used to designate duchesses,
As explained below, the word means 'monarch' single ruler,but historical cultural considerations would appear to exclude presidents and other heads of state. Historically, the notion of monarchy may emerge under different circumstances.It may grow out of tribal kingship, and Royal priesthood and the Office of monarch (kings), becoming typically hereditary, resulting in successive dynasties or "houses",especially when the leader is wise enough and able lead. It may also be a consequent emergence after an act of violence is committed by an invading group upon local communities, which usurps the communities rights over traditions.
The leader of the group establishes himself as a usurping monarch. A State of monarchy is said to result reveals that the relationships between resources,communities, monarch and his office.Even in antiquity, the strict hereditary succession could be tempered by systems or elective monarchy, where an assembly elects a new monarch out of a pool of eligible candidates. This concept has also been modernized, and constitutional monarchies where the title of monarch remains mostly ceremonial, without, or with very limited political power.
Currently,44 sovereign nations in the world have monarchs acting as heads of state, 16 of which are realms that recognize Commonwealth Queen Elizabeth II as their head of state. The historical form of absolute monarchy is retained only in Brunei, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland, and Vatican City.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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