1. assets (Assets), what is the value of a measure of ngen is intended for use in the operation.And acts as the owner of a composed1.1 revolving loan yotrap (Current Assets). 1.1.1 the cash (Cash), cash in hand, and that means the bank deposits.1.1.2 temporary investments (Current Investments).1.2.3 receivables and promissory receipts (Receivables Receivables Account and Note.)1.2.4 inventories or supply (or Supplies Inventories).1.2.5 other current assets (Current Assets Other) like prepaid expenses and accrued income, current assets other than that specified above. 1.2 non-current assets (Assets Non-Current.) 1.2.1 long-term investments (Long-term Investments)1.2.2 the land, buildings and equipment (Property Plant and Equipment). machinery and equipment (Machine and Equipment) * buildings and factories (Building and Plant) * land (Property)
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