Idol in my gratitude is the father of contemporary art of Thailand property. Your name is ... He is one of the key people of the country Thailand. As someone who gets the love it's overwhelming from the sample. Followers and true art.Professor art phirasi born September 15 in San when 2435 (1892) Giovanni (San Giovanni), the city of Florence Italy country. At the age of 23 years, can pass as a professor from the Royal College of Arts of Florence (The Royal Academy of Art of Florence).2466 (1923) has won the contest to design the coins, currency, Siam held in Europe. Therefore, travel to the land of Siam to come and service technicians to fabricate fine arts department at the annual King 1911 Crown head. In the era of World War II Thailand has protected country 2485 (1942) persons as prisoners of war by changing his name to "Mr. Sin Phirasi". Professor phirasi has placed the main art sutwicha painting and sculpture in Thailand, and is the founder of silpakorn University as a source of learning and the importance of artistic inheritance country of Thailand. Moreover, he has also been entrusted by the Government to design, fabricate and Thailand control the casting of an important monument of monument and many countries Thailand, for example, Democracy Monument, Bangkok etc.As someone who studied art. You have created your inspiration from work that does not require speech or any teaching at all. He taught us to learn everything from the work not just of art but as well as humans. I considered him a major teacher even though I have never received any teachings, and I believe that it is not just me who thinks this of course.
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