Violin (Violin) is a musical instrument that is a high level of sound, eminence musical instruments in the violin family (Violin Far) all 4: violin, cello & bass thara icon wiola. Usually played using a premium airline colors, vibration. Archery bow of the violin is made of horsetail, but sometimes uses the fingers to achieve the '' airline audio on demand
. Wiola (Viola) as musical instruments in the violin family, slightly larger than the violin. The position of the same style are wiola violin. Must be placed on the left shoulder of the players, and then use the Chin, not musical instruments clutch move. Sound quality of the audio is clear, like maisot wiola violin. Looks like a sound of Nasik
Cello (Cello) are musical instruments in the violin family, but are larger and larger than the violin as much lower volume 2 violin bass quality depth than the sound of the violin. Cello can be played with the fingers, and color. While playing to sit between the cello, using clutch knee leg on both sides
. The bass thara (Contra Bass) are musical instruments in the violin family, which are larger. Many have names such as ngabet string double bass bass-o-time to play the machine must be on the ground by fixing pins anchored, because. Sound quality of the bass thara is tough and, feeling like a long drawn out ui AI movement of big heavy
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