Act 1.Act ofControl of the building.B.e. 2522Bhumibol Adulyadej, given.The May 8, b.e. 2522.34 years in the interim we have over 1,800.King Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej has graciously pleased to proclaim that:Whereas it is desirable to improve the law on building control and the law on the control of.Construction in the district, including a fire and a single law.So graciously to act up by advice and consent of the national legislative Assembly.Parliamentary duties. The following.Section 1 of this Act referred to as "the building control Act, b.e. 2522."Section 2 of this Act shall come into force since the day after publication in the Government Gazette, and shall apply in.Which is just one area where the Decree?1 for the area has been declared applicable urban planning include the law on urban planning or localities that have ever.The announcement said this Act apply to the field of urban planning include a seal to the Decree.For tall buildings Extra large buildings. Assembly building, Opera House, and the person using the provisions of this Act.Not that the local parameter set is to have the Decree shall apply to this Act or not.Section 3: cancelled(1.) Control Act 2479 Buddhist buildings(2) this Act controls the building (No. 2) b.e. 2504.(3) the Declaration of the Revolutionary Council at 192 down July 31 b.e. 2515.(4) the Act regulates construction in fire district. Buddhist era 2476(5) the Act regulates construction in fire district (No. 2) b.e. 2496.Section 4 of this Act."Building" means a building homes, factories, offices and warehouses raft store things that people may otherwise created.Access or use of.(1.) or something else to use as a sample created the Assembly of the people.(2-way tunnels, bridges or dams) drain water Pier girder cradle boat marinas รัว้ the wall or door.Built in contact or close to the public or what the individual principles to living.(3) signs or something built for ringtone or labels.(, A click), or set it over the public and over one square meter, or a total weight of the entire structure.Up to ten kilograms.(B) or in the distance from the public, which, when measured in the direction of the flat, then the distance from the public.Less than the height of the label when measured from the ground and have a size or weight exceeds the prescribed in the ministerial regulations.1, section 2, second paragraph, and that paragraph three. Provisions added by section IV of the building control Act (No. 3) 2543 (2000)
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