The population structure in Thailand are stepping into high society, elderly population ratio will increase from 12% to 21.5% 2551 (2008) works in medical advances, and with 2568 (2025) As a result, the average age of people last year, up 8.8 to population ratio is likely to decrease in childhood by the reproductive rate ever for up to 6-7 people only 1.7 people (2548), which is lower than the replacement level.Many countries that are likely to enter into society, the elderly, as well as Thailand, where foreign policy and attempts various measures for the elderly, both sides benefit. Public health social work. Public service and education. This article will offer a unique educational policy for the elderly, which is to encourage the elderly to use valuable life. Slowing down dementia and depression prevention by, for example, some countries. Is as follows:South Korea information and communication Ministry (Ministry of Information and Communication: MIC) in cooperation with the Institute for the promotion of the use of ICT (KADO) Korea educational ICT projects for elderly people who are aged 55 years and above (ICT Education for the Elderly) in collaboration with the private sector and social welfare centers, College benefits those in retirement age for training skills, ICT for people aged 20-30 hours.Taiwan at the beginning of 2008 Ministry of education, Taiwan. The budget announced increased number of 46.54 million Taiwan dollar (NT $) to support the education for the elderly, which increased 2 times from 2007 and earlier, the Ministry of education established a life-long learning center (life-long learning centers) and a Learning Center for elderly (grey-haired learning centers) in any province.
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