After years of living in our own home, we had to move back into an apa การแปล - After years of living in our own home, we had to move back into an apa อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

After years of living in our own ho

After years of living in our own home, we had to move back into an apartment last year due to a change in jobs and a cross-country move. One of the things I miss most about my house is my compost pile and backyard chickens. My girls would come running whenever they saw me coming out the door with my silver compost pail, and they’d spend hours every day picking through the pile for edible scraps, worms, and other yummy treats. It was not just fun to watch, it also kept several pounds a week of vegetable peelings and other food waste out of the local landfill, while providing rich soil for my garden and reducing feed costs for the girls.

After saying goodbye to this idyllic scene, we moved into an apartment with a cramped kitchen, no balcony, and no municipal composting program, so I’ve been reluctantly forced to consign our food waste to the landfill. I hate it, and miss my girls more with every handful of carrot peelings I toss out, so I’ve been researching indoor composting options.

The most popular option for indoor composting seems to be vermicomposting, but as a lifelong cold composter, I’ve never bothered with fussy stuff like the ratio of green to brown waste – I just dump it all in as it becomes available and assume it will come out in the wash. And it does, albeit slowly. With worms, you have to worry about things like pH or they’ll die. I’ll be honest, it seems like too much work to get it right, and I don’t want to be responsible for a bunch of dead worms if when I inevitably mess up. I’m a softie and that sort of thing upsets me.

Compost tumblers may be another option, but I’ve heard odor can be a problem with them.

I was feeling a little discouraged about it all when I stumbled upon this article by The Green Mama, which introduced me to another option: The Red Dragon electric assist composter, aka GG-20. (Note: the article was written in 2012, and the model now appears to be silver.)

According to the review, the Red Dragon odorlessly converted kitchen scraps into compost within 12-24 hours, all in the space of a typical trash can. Zowie! Perfect for a cramped kitchen like mine!

Here’s a video of the Red Dragon’s big brother the White Dragon at work:
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
After years of living in our own home, we had to move back into an apartment last year due to a change in jobs and a cross-country move. One of the things I miss most about my house is my compost pile and backyard chickens. My girls would come running whenever they saw me coming out the door with my silver compost pail, and they'd spend hours every day picking through the pile for edible scraps, worms, and other yummy treats. It was not just fun to watch, it also kept several pounds a week of vegetable peelings and other food waste out of the local landfill, while providing rich soil for my garden and reducing feed costs for the girls.After saying goodbye to this idyllic scene, we moved into an apartment with a cramped kitchen, no balcony, and no municipal composting program, so I've been reluctantly forced to consign our food waste to the landfill. I hate it, and miss my girls more with every handful of carrot peelings I toss out, so I've been researching indoor composting options.The most popular option for indoor composting seems to be vermicomposting, but as a lifelong cold composter, I've never bothered with fussy stuff like the ratio of green to brown waste – I just dump it all in as it becomes available and assume it will come out in the wash. And it does, albeit slowly. With worms, you have to worry about things like pH or they'll die. I'll be honest, it seems like too much work to get it right, and I don't want to be responsible for a bunch of dead worms if when I inevitably mess up. I'm a softie and that sort of thing upsets me.Compost tumblers may be another option, but I've heard odor can be a problem with them.I was feeling a little discouraged about it all when I stumbled upon this article by The Green Mama, which introduced me to another option: The Red Dragon electric assist composter, aka GG-20. (Note: the article was written in 2012, and the model now appears to be silver.)According to the review, the Red Dragon odorlessly converted kitchen scraps into compost within 12-24 hours, all in the space of a typical trash can. Zowie! Perfect for a cramped kitchen like mine!Here's a video of the Red Dragon's big brother the White Dragon at work:
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
After years of living in our own home, we had to move back into an apartment last year due to a change in jobs and a cross-country move. One of the things I miss most about my house is my compost pile and backyard chickens. My girls would come running whenever they saw me coming out the door with my silver compost pail, and they'd spend hours every day picking through the pile for edible scraps, worms, and other yummy treats. It was not just fun to Watch, also kept several pounds a Week of Vegetable peelings and Other Food waste out of the local landfill, while providing rich soil for My Garden and reducing feed costs for the girls.

After saying Goodbye to this Idyllic Scene. , we moved into an apartment with a cramped kitchen, no balcony, and no municipal composting program, so I've been reluctantly forced to consign our food waste to the landfill. I Hate it, and Miss My girls more with every handful of Carrot peelings I Toss out, so I've been researching Indoor composting options.

The Option for Most popular Indoor composting vermicomposting seems to be, but as a cold Lifelong composter, I '. ve never bothered with fussy stuff like the ratio of green to brown waste - I just dump it all in as it becomes available and assume it will come out in the wash. And it does, albeit slowly. With worms, you have to worry about things like pH or they'll die. I'll be honest, it seems like too much work to get it right, and I do not want to be responsible for a bunch of dead worms if when I inevitably mess up. I'm a softie and that sort of upsets Me Thing.

Compost tumblers May be another Option, but I've Heard odor Can be a Problem with them.

I was a Little Feeling discouraged when I stumbled upon this About it all by The Article. Green Mama, which introduced me to another option: The Red Dragon electric assist composter, aka GG-20. (Note: the Article was written in 2012, and now appears to be the Model Silver.)

According to the review, the Red Dragon Odorlessly converted Into Kitchen scraps COMPOST Within 12-24 hours, all in the Space of a Typical Trash Can. Zowie! Perfect for a cramped like Kitchen Mine!

Here's a Video of the Red Dragon's Big BROTHER Work at the White Dragon:.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
After years of living in our own home we had, to move back into an apartment last year due to a change in jobs and a cross-country. Move. One of the things I miss most about my house is my compost pile and backyard chickens. My girls would come running. Whenever they saw me coming out the door with my silver compost pail and they ", d spend hours every day picking through the. Pile for, edible scraps worms and other, yummy treats. It was not just fun, to watch it also kept several pounds a week. Of vegetable peelings and other food waste out of the, local landfill while providing rich soil for my garden and reducing. Feed costs for the girls.After saying goodbye to this, idyllic scene we moved into an apartment with a cramped kitchen no balcony and no municipal,,, Composting program so I ", ve been reluctantly forced to consign our food waste to the landfill. I hate it and miss, my girls. More with every handful of carrot peelings I toss out so I ", ve been researching indoor composting options.The most popular option for indoor composting seems to be vermicomposting but as, a lifelong cold composter I ", ve never. Bothered with fussy stuff like the ratio of green to brown waste - I just dump it all in as it becomes available and assume. It will come out in the wash. And, it does albeit slowly. With worms you have, to worry about things like pH or they ll. " Die. I ", ll be honest it seems like too much work to get, it right and I don" t want to be responsible for a bunch of dead. Worms if when I inevitably mess up. I "m a softie and that sort of thing upsets me.Compost tumblers may be another option but I ", ve heard odor can be a problem with them.I was feeling a little discouraged about it all when I stumbled upon this article by The, Green Mama which introduced me. To another option: The Red Dragon electric, assist composter aka GG-20. (Note: the article was written in 2012 and the,, Model now appears to be silver.).According to the review the Red, Dragon odorlessly converted kitchen scraps into compost within 12 - 24 hours all in, the. Space of a typical trash can. Zowie! Perfect for a cramped kitchen like mine!Here "s a video of the Red Dragon" s big brother the White Dragon at work:
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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