He's a nail There is a huge stone a huge outstanding embroidery in the sea area of the mouth of the Phang Nga Bay, near where they live together and are seen from a distance resemble giant was hammering a nail deeper into the water. However, he etc The mountain is dangerous, do not close because the sea has been submerged under water for a long period of erosion for millions of years, so it treats, kronlae smaller than the upper part, there are many many times until the fear of what might fall down in a moment. Officials from the Government and related agencies. It banned tourists cruise to visit the nearby viewpoint because they fear it will get dangerous. His nail is a famous tourist attraction, until there is a Hollywood movie filmed at Koh Tapu, this came in the 1979 James Bond movie story episode 2517 Hangman gold guns (The Man with the Golden Gun) and Ko Tapu. Also another sobriquet, "James Bond Island".
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