Thai culture. If we're together we'll everything, whether it is money, food, and other parties need to know details of the other. In order to help out the same way when planning and other trouble. ไม่ทิ้งกันยามแย่
Thai culture. If we together everything, whether we it is money, food, and other details of the parties need to know In order to help out other. the same way planning and other trouble when leaving each other bad guards.
Thai culture. If we're together we'll everything, whether it is money, food, and other parties need to know details of the other. In order to help out the same way when planning and other trouble. Do not leave a bad night.
Thai culture. If we 're together we' ll everything whether it, is, money food and other, parties need to know details of. The other. In order to help out the same way when planning and other trouble. Do not leave the bad .