ที่โรงเรียนฉันมีสอบเมื่อวันจันทร์ที่ผ่านมาที่ห้อง 215 สอบในรายวิชาเคมี การแปล - ที่โรงเรียนฉันมีสอบเมื่อวันจันทร์ที่ผ่านมาที่ห้อง 215 สอบในรายวิชาเคมี อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


ที่โรงเรียนฉันมีสอบเมื่อวันจันทร์ที่ผ่านมาที่ห้อง 215 สอบในรายวิชาเคมี ฉันอ่านหนังสือเพื่อเตรียมสอบในวันอาทิตย์และในตอนเช้าของวันจันทร์ที่มีสอบ จากการคาดเดาฉันตอบผิดไปประมาณ 6 ข้อ ใช้เวลาในการสอบประมาณยี่สิบนาที เมื่อสอบเสร็จฉันไม่ค่อยมั่นใจในคำตอบที่เขียนลงในกระดาษข้อสอบ
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
At school, I had an exam last Monday in room 215. It was in chemistry. I studied for the test on Sunday and on the morning of the Monday morning test. Based on my guess, I answered about 6 questions incorrectly. It took about twenty minutes to complete the exam. When I finished the exam, I was not very confident in the answers written on the exam paper.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Last Monday, I took the chemistry exam in Room 215 of the school. I read books on Sunday and Monday mornings to prepare for the exam, and it is speculated that I answered about 6 questions incorrectly. The exam will take about 20 minutes. After the exam, I don't have confidence in the answers on the paper.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
ief introduction<br>Family caregivers play a variety of roles in caring for subjects with severe mental disorders (SMD), such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major depression. In addition to providing assistance for activities of daily life, caregivers also provide emotional, social and economic support for individuals with SMD. In England, it is estimated that the daily care provided by caregivers to patients with schizophrenia can save the government and the health care system more than 1 pound. 2.4 billion a year [[1]]. From this perspective, family caregivers can be regarded as a key actor and an indispensable alliance to promote the recovery of people with schizophrenia [[2]].<br>Because they have considerable care responsibilities, family caregivers are often unable to cope with their own personal or family needs. In order to sum up this fact, family caregivers also face social stigma, humiliation and prejudice. The care of people with SMD is related to the harmful consequences to mental and physical health [[3]]. The negative psychological state experienced by informal caregivers, freed from all kinds of difficulties and humiliation related to care, has been defined as caregiver humiliation. It is worth noting that nurses with SMD have a high risk of depression. Among the caregivers of patients with schizophrenia or schizophrenia, 42% suffered from depression [5]. Similarly, the psychiatric symptoms of caregivers of patients with bipolar disorder were comprehensively reviewed, in which 33-46% caregivers were the standard of major depression [[6]].<br>Depression has both distractions and disabilities for caregivers, and it also reduces their ability to carry basic auxiliary roles, making them opposite to SMD[[7]]. Furthermore, depression is related to various psychological and physical problems [8], and the risk of suicide is high [9]. Considering the high incidence of depression among nurses, we should not only solve this problem through treatment after the onset of depression, but also formulate intervention measures to prevent depression among nurses. From this point of view, it is very important to determine the factors that lead to depression of nurses. Although previous studies have investigated the risk factors of depression in caregivers, most of them are related to caregivers of cancer patients [[[10]–[14]], brain injury, neurodegenerative diseases or pediatric environment [[15]–[20]. Few studies have explored the risk factors of depression in nurses of SMD patients (e .g.,[[21]]). Among the nursing staff of the elderly with SMD, various predictors of depression are considered as low income, gender of nursing recipients, poor health status and problems related to symptoms of nursing recipients. [22]。<br>It is worth noting that although the total burn of nurses has been identified as a strong predictor of depression symptoms of nurses [21], the contribution of burns to various dimensions of nurses is still unknown. Helpless, caregiver humiliation is a multi-faceted construction, reflecting various dimensions to find negative emotions, interpersonal relationships, time needs, patient dependence, self-accusation and self-blame [23]]. Similarly, the care experience includes both negative and positive aspects [24]. So far, as far as we know, no study has studied the contribution of different dimensions of care experience to the severity of depression, and how they may be related to individual depression symptoms among caregivers with SMD. A better understanding of the relationship between complex diseases can guide mental health professionals to identify risk caregivers and provide them with specific intervention measures.<br>send<br>Igno
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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