5. normally, the program is set up to calculate automatically. In addition, there will be changes.Click a cell in the calculation.In addition to the print position, calculated cells into the formula. Clicking a cell can also be used to specify a location that will be used in the calculation. Try the following example:1. go to the B1 type 2 and then press Enter.2. go to the location B2 type 3 and press Enter.3. to position B3 type 4, and then press Enter.4. now you will be at position B4.5. type the =, which is the service that uses the Excel formula breast.6. you will see that the formula bar Formula bar will occur, or the equals sign.7. use the mouse to click on the position B3 will dash around cell B3 if kaphit, press Esc to cancel and click kamai.8. the printing marks +9. use the mouse to click a position C3.10. the check-printing11. use the mouse to click the C1 position.
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