Gregor Mendel (22 July 2365-6 January 2427), the father of genetics. Hinds was born in stating the Smirnov. Austria As the only son of a poor peasant family of three siblings by later Mendel was ordained and was responsible for the park in the year 2390 he had to take place inside the temple to try something. that he was interested in Mendel's first experiments started in the year 1845 about what he was doing experiments. Gathering many plant varieties mixed together many ways, he spent two years experimenting continuously until sufficient data in 1854, Mendel was reported results. Which involves breeding beans to the Natural History Society meeting in Brno (Brunn Brünn) His work has been published all over Europe. America the following year was 1866, his work has been left up to 34 years until 1900, has three members biologist Hugo de Dumfries Dutchman Carl Court. Raines German and Erich von share to the Australians. The other plant breeding experiments. The results match the Mendel previously reported. Mendel made known. In genetics since then, he has been. Founding priest as pastor of the church at Alt Brünn administrative workload caused him no time to conduct. Plant breeding again Until he died on 6 January 1884 at the age of 61 years of a heart attack. His funeral was Buried at the cemetery near the church
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