Personal Information:
birthday November 28 , 2470 (86 years old), the palace of the Inchi Midah อลอร์สตาร์ city state อลอร์สตาร์ Sulawesi, his father, his mother ชาฮ์ บาดิ the Sofia flight-gut lapped nontrivial
his wife, Jacob, and the wheels of the shower bath, Whirlpool? hell บาไฮ Jacob happy (2499 - 2550 ), and the drug, and the wheels of a shower, whirlpool? hell, Abraham, Arabic, observer, and Ham, actuation (2518 - present)
kingunder the constitution of Malaysia's chief Federal called "Her Majesty" or "Yang ราชาธิบดี Di - Pertuan Agong" or commonly known as the "King of Kong" ราชาธิบดี will be selected from the meeting of the Sultan of the State, State 9When the period of 5 years term, there will be a new option in the original; His Majesty King ราชาธิบดี do not qualify for an election in the next time the meeting will also be an election the deputy chief, called "Timbalay Yangdi Pertuan Agong" by holding the position.Also, the state has been selected as her Majesty The Sultan ราชาธิบดี will be appointed by the governor (Regent), up to the Sultan as a replacementfor His Majesty King ราชาธิบดี current; it is a sultan of the State; 1. The name Langkawi งอร์ Tengru Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah taking when 2 April, in the year 2 and 2 Sultan, forest hell Tattoo sounded, Isabella, and Abihail กลัน of the State.1:
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..