As seen from Figure 8.2 for minimum Feed size MSNR factor m will notice-500 µm when there are changes to the feed size from-500 to 700 and MSNR µm increase--but an increase in Feed size did not have a significant impact on the increase of MSNR.
As seen from Figure 8.2 for the Feed size MSNR m minimum is observed at -500 μm when the feed size vary from -500 to -700 μm and MSNR increase, but the increase did not affect Feed size. the significant increase of MSNR.
As seen from the figure 8.2 factors for Feed size MSNR m minimum notice - 500 could m when changes feed size from - 500 - 700 m tracks. And the MSNR increased but the increase of Feed size does not have significant in increasing of MSNR.