Great tips on using high heel shoes Of course, the best thing is to avoid wearing high-heel shoes, but it might be how impractical in some women due to job duties forced to wear shoes with heels or high heel shoes if it can cause lack of confidence. We have 8 great ways to introduce as follows. 1. provide high-heel shoes only when necessary, especially high heels shoes, there may be shorter for a change in the car or at work. 2. Select the shoes don't have too high heels like 1 1/2-2 1/2 is enough. 3. Select shoes that are the width of the front page of our feet as shoes. Try to avoid narrow pointed head head shoes 4. If you want to add height to the room itself should choose a clean heels heel on both front and back, because not much is really high. Don't tiptoe feet, but if you choose a high building, heels. Guide shoes with straps at the back or bare heel strap Sandals heel shoes because they help strengthen the feet will not step cramps feet. 5. Select thick heels better heel needle To protect your feet flip 6. the heel made from tires better than wood because the impact absorb khaeng. 7. After entering a few shoes, foot pain is supposed to soak in warm water to relax muscles, feet. 8. If the tension, brisk brisk should be managed by using the hand short side 2 side wall support align the knee wall. Best legs again holding tension enough to stretch the side stand. Doing a pier side switch 10 times to stretch your muscles will help not brisk pain. Foot health problems prevented. Of course that is possible. The best shoes for each person Each situation is certainly not the same. If you want to walk a few steps on the carpet evening party. Selection of high heel shoes wear heel needle It is not a problem, but if you want to walk, run, stop the bus a bit shorter heels seems to be better.
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