PA bayetphan the river basin as the plants most often humans are quantitative values of society, change in plant and is less than some other plants in society, at the same. It is also possible that the word is now River basin on the invading more areas for agriculture. Specifically, the bayetphan forest society often nutrient rich soil is the reason motivating the invasion more than other social society often consists of wood bayetphan forests with economic value, such as the prominent red and teak wood doors, etc, have been eliminated.From the plant elsewhere, rather than a social space. The Middle River watershed section. Quantitative values of each society is quite high, so plants look as if society is quite complete, but considering the plants to the level of individual species of social types tend to have confused many wooden pick led. Shows that society has a river basin of plants Central through the invasion came already and is in the process of being redeveloped. An additional area of intrusion in the Nile River with the middle term is quite impractical because most areas have clearly supported holding field, the forest zone. That is largely a forest plant communities, society has the opportunity to recover by substitution rather than naturally. The event's leading Java wood forest regeneration potential in each watershed and forest types are grown in the forest may be accessory is accelerating, the degraded forests can recover more quickly. The river basin of the episode section below it is mostly Plains and colonized by communities and agricultural areas. Therefore, the remaining natural forest areas. There will be only two wild jungle Edition by lamo or Rai plaina. However, the head of the plantation forest in the end these are farming, planting, planting a forest or wood-living supplement, it may make the area a forest. The section of forest along the Huai, it means there is a huge need in the role to protect river erosion and help prevent sludge trap as well, so should be encouraged to grow. Wild side area, privacy and charm churee Huai, a long strip along the river and promote the construction of the main stream might help prevent the collapse of the Bank of the River as well as 2330/Hague tae. Tengrang forest watershed society found that the Centre has a large number of types of wood and the average maximum is a wild type, while social 24.67 bayetphan of the central basin contains a variety of types of index of big wood is a wood type found at 2.51 has the potential to revive the forest, which are all divided into 58 types of wood picked (pioneer speci.The wood types in es) 27 (climax species) plants, 29, and two types of native wood from the status of the type of wood, it was found that there are a number of categories g 71 forbid wood types and wood ข. type 1 type forbid from villagers in the area, query and document inspection, it was found that in the area there is a river basin of 30 types of food plants, herbs, wood type, approx. 46 85 type.
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