The magma beneath the crust was compacted to insert pressure cracks to the surface world. The force of the eruption or explosion occurs. What ejected from the volcano when the volcano eruption was the magma, steam, dust, debris and gases will be ejected from the crater of
the volcano (magma is being ejected from the surface of the earth is called "lava", but still. beneath the Earth's surface, called "magma"), an area with potential volcano. Sutures between plates is the area most prone to volcanic. Especially in areas where the subduction of tectonic plates. Beneath the ocean floor down to the area below the crust of the continents. The tectonic plates descend into the magma will be melting. Broke up the surface more easily than elsewhere. The area is away from the boundary between the Earth's crust. It may be caused by volcanic processes, as well
as magma pushed up through the fissures in the rock.
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