Planting techniques of watermelonCost reduction techniques increase productivity in watermelon1. varieties of watermelonThere are 2 species of plant are popular. Species commonly known as light is a species of sugar baby round dark green effect age 65 harvest days from one species to another, including sprouts. Charleston gray varieties, cultivars, namely; Results in light green with stripes that outcome results large circle skin age of harvesting 85 days from sprout. Varieties of yellow flesh watermelon cultivars as a hybrid yellow pattern results in light green dark green round the age of approximately 70-75 days of harvest.2. soil and soil preparation. Watermelon is a plant that is widespread root depth greater than 100 cm and soil fertility. There is enough moisture. Therefore, if the plough to loosen or dig soil in front of the sub soil ruan and transparent manner. And it will help prevent dehydration as well within range of the watermelon are growing. Land preparation to face the deep soil, airy ruan helps the soil to absorb and hold more moisture and is open, insert a watermelon root itself deep underground, which will allow the roots to find food and water far broader and is helping to make the plants can use the underground water is also very useful. If you need to grow watermelon in the rainy season should grow in soil that is draining the gallbladder is a light soil or sand, but if there is a heavy clay or grown somewhat harder should grow watermelon in the face of drought and soil deep excavation of the plough, or the most appropriate.3. planting Use seed sugar baby rate 40-50 g./seed plantation Charleston gray and yellow varieties rate of 250-500 grams/Rai by drops in the hole, each hole in rows 90 cm apart, the row of melons section should keep away from each other is equal to the length of the watermelon vine, or approximately 2-3 meters in the ground dug holes in the sand to a depth of approximately 50 cm long, about wide and 15 centimeters in the deep hole dug clay, approximately 10 cm using the extensive trade with mash fertilizer soil on. Insert the 4-5 per child lum butt litre prepare 1 day leave holes and then pour the hole planting them 5 seeds.When it drops seeds and watering required treatment when the watermelon. There is a true 2-3 separate withdrawal form, remains a hole 2-3 start by removing the selection, but the strong, but if planted early 90 cm apart, and then rows 3 m apart each of the 3 holes on the plantation includes 1 space is the watermelon is about 1700. สำหรับผู้ที่หยอดเมล็ดแตงโมในฤดูหนาว แตงโมงอกช้า หรือไม่งอกเลย ดังนั้นในฤดูหนาวควรทำการหุ้มเมล็ดด้วยผ้าแล้วโดยแช่เมล็ดแตงโมในน้ำอุ่น(ประมาณมือเราทนได้) ทิ้งไว้ 1 วันกับ 1 คืน แล้วเอาผ้าที่ห่อวางไว้ในร่ม จะช่วยทำให้เมล็ดแตงโมงอกได้เร็วขึ้น และงอกได้อย่างสม่ำเสมอ เมื่อรากเริ่มโผล่ออกมาจากเมล็ด ก็เอาไปเพาะในถุง รอจนกล้ามีใบจริงแล้ว 2-3 ใบ จึงนำลงปลูกในไร่ หรือหากไม่สะดวกเพราะต้องการประหยัดแรงงาน ก็อาจนำเมล็ดที่งอกนั้นไปปลูกในแปลงได้เลย โดยหยอดลงในหลุมแบบเดียวกับหยอดเมล็ดที่ยังไม่งอก แต่ต้องให้น้ำในหลุมที่จะหยอดล่วงหน้าไว้ 1 วัน เพื่อให้ดินในหลุมชื้นพอเหมาะ หยอดเมล็ดที่งอกแล้วกลบดินทับหนาไม่เกิน 1 เซนติเมตร แล้วรดน้ำ ต้นแตงโมจะขึ้นมาสม่ำเสมอกันทั้งไร่ Organic fertilizer To make organic fertilizer to watermelon, it is very important, because fertilizer can help improve the อินทรีย object, reduces losses and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers to be over 50%, and the soil is nutrient increasingly. During land preparation, fertilizer, should put the real thon. AAA grade 2 formula Green Giant (green bar) in the plantations. 40-50 kilos per Rai rate.Scientific fertilizer or chemical fertilizer, chemical fertilizers should be used: 1 ratio 1: 2, including chemical fertilizer formula 10-10-20, etc. or used as fertilizer, the closest formula fertilizer formula 13-13-21 may typically be put in 100-150 kg per Rai rate per period to grow, but they can use techniques to reduce cost, increase productivity by using pure organic. AAA grade 2 formula Green Giant (green bar), mixed in with Green Giant sow 2 before part 1-part chemical fertilizer can reduce chemical fertilizer costs down. Use of chemical fertilizer will be reduced approximately 30-40 kg per planting cycle.
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