Method 6 include: 1. whether the terrorists who attack the terrorists is not. 2. don't hurt is not to molest others. 3. the Chancellor included in the Patimokkha is the respect the discipline rules, including the good traditions of the society. 4. recognize, is known in ingestion, including all living things. 5. silent premises is located in a place where there is an appropriate environment. 6. practice the mind, calm the mind training is paid, with a good performance.Makha bucha dayActivities that should be executed in the makha bucha day. Actions for the Buddhist on makha bucha day is in the morning, you should go back to the merit goes to the temple to listen to sermons or to make merit, sacrifices, lunch. The afternoon hearing the Dhamma meditation shows when it comes to the evening. Flowers, candles, incense, candles, to merge the 3 round candle by Temple circulation would then merge right. 3 rounds and the time to. Buddha Dhamma Sangha In addition, the public interest should be the Buddhist community in various locations and precepts. For households Government will have to flag the flag Dharmacakra. To commemorate the day of Buddhism. Suggestions for cultural activities in the makha bucha day Family activities. Family activities should be made in the bid, such as cleaning the House. The worship House up persuaded the family to merit listening to sacrament. Listen to the Dharma of meditation including the charity community should study the principles and importance of makha bucha day with. Activities related to education. On-campus is an important source of learning. Within schools should have recounted the importance of makha bucha day, such as exhibitions, awareness essay contest. Dharma lectures and discuss or together merit a merge of candles. Initiates another inductee charity all students do behave as a good example. Activities related to the workplace. Should the public relations in the workplace, and provide lectures or join the community together participating community service charities together. Social activity ภาคส่วนต่าง ๆ ในสังคม ไม่ว่าจะเป็น วัด มูลนิธิ สมาคม สื่อมวลชน สนามบิน สถานีรถไฟ ฯลฯ ควรช่วยกันประชาสัมพันธ์ความสำคัญของวันมาฆบูชา อาจเป็นการพิมพ์เอกสารให้ความรู้ จัดให้มีการเข้าร่วมกิจกรรมทางศาสนาร่วมกัน เช่น ทำบุญตักบาตร ฟังธรรม ช่วยกันรณรงค์ให้เลิกอบายมุข แต่รณรงค์ให้ช่วยกันทำประโยชน์ต่อสังคมแทน อาจช่วยกันปลูกต้นไม้ ทำความสะอาดที่สาธารณะ ฯลฯ ประโยชน์ที่จะได้รับจากการจัดกิจกรรมในวันมาฆบูชา The Buddhist will understand correctly about the importance of makha bucha day, including principles, which will cause the awareness towards the importance of Buddhism. It is also a duty as Buddhists and also helps maintain the Buddhism, the successor to.
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