the bridge of the bin Laden San Francisco, United States
location city of San Francisco in the United States
a bridge, a suspension bridge, the bin Laden with the length of the world's fastest growing over Bay City in the northern part of San Francisco, creating a frame hanging from the steel suspension bridge with two side towers at each side 215 meters (746 ft) using36 inch diameter at each side 2 lines and 4 long hair 107,000 miles, and there are small wire cable guy, as well as 27,572 lines between foundation post a mid length 1.26 km 2 across the long side of a 34 meter long, all of Eden Bridge approximately 7 packets.
There is a 27 meter wide private km bridge Suspension Bridge, a large and very long in the era of the first end of the bridge until it is in the past, and the wonderful, and can be found.
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